Traffic Citations

Traffic Citations

Traffic citations are not uncommon, but they can have significant impacts on the lives of other people. If you have received a ticket that you believe is not accurate, or this ticket is one that is going to create a concern for your ability to drive due to your past driving record, reach out to Kendrick Law Office today. I will work towards getting the ticket dismissed or help you to reduce the potential penalties and fines that you may be facing.

Every situation is very different. When you meet with me, you will learn more about what your legal options are in the current matter. I will then provide you with insight into the legal options available to you. I can help you with the following:

  • DUI/DWI cases
  • Speeding tickets
  • Commercial license concerns

No matter what has happened in your specific situation, let Kendrick Law Office provide you with the guidance and support you need. I’ve helped many people find better opportunities. Reach out to me today for legal services in Georgia, including in McDonough, Locus Grove, LaGrange, Atlanta, Conyers, and several other cities in Middle Georgia and Metro Atlanta. Let’s talk about your unique needs today.

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